1. Matt Damon’s Speech Good Will hunting

Pride comes before a fall and in this scene – we see a perfect example of it. This is a wonderful scene that anyone who has ever made mocked will appreciate. I especially like the way he wraps things up with the offer to “step outside” – he may be a walking library, but he is also a badass!

This has to be on the list simply because Christopher Walken is so amazing. You can easily see Tarantino’s writing in this speech, but Walken manages to take it to another dimension.

A large number of items on this list have good messages in them – this one, unfortunately, is bound to offend virtually everyone. Nevertheless, the acting is good and Edward Norton is brilliant, so here it is.

My apologies for including a scene with Tom “Xenu’s Bitch” Cruise, but I had to include this scene because Jack Nicholson is so great. 6. Courtroom Scene To Kill a Mockingbird

A brilliant story and an almost equally brilliant film. This is the famous court scene from the movie in which Gregory Peck defends black man Tom in a small town.

I would say 99% of people reading this list expected to see this item on it. It definitely deserves a place in the top 5. 4. Freedom Speech Braveheart

This is William Wallace’s speech to the army about patriotism and freedom.

“We band of brothers” – this speech never fails to send chills down my spine. An outstanding performance of one of the most beautifully written pieces of English. 2. Patton Speech Patton

The famous speech by General Patton in the movie of the same name.

This amazing speech may surprise people who are used to Chaplin’s comedic films. Not only was this a powerful and amazing speech in its time, it is still relevant today. Read More: Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram

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